Can you see Hart of Dixie pulling a Delena delving more into Wade's past?
I've been thinking we know how Zoe met George first but how would you react if there was a flash back of a young Zoe meeting a young Wade and it taking them years to finally remember that encounter? I personally think that would be interesting I'd also would love it if it came out that before he was red neck that Wade was once a nerd then again he's had two seasons and him suddenly turning out to be more than a pretty face would be kind of out of no where. What kind of Wade centered episode would you want?
Petit Montage...
Hi everyone
I've recently discovered this show, and I loved it!!! It's full of humor, and the characters are excellent.
I love Zoe and Wade!!
I'm a fan of video editing and i made a few that I would like to share.. to know your opinion!!
Waiting to hear from you soon...
Premiere Date Revealed
Good news! Hart of Dixie is coming back, and sooner than you expected! It will be the first fall CW show to premiere this season, so get ready for the season premiere on the CW from 8-9 PM on October 2. It seems like a long time to wait, but surely we'll find a way to bide our time.
Meanwhile, check out this blog post to see what other shows will premiere this fall on the CW!
Will you be tuning in? Comment below and let us know!
Source: Entertainment Weekly
Sorry if it seems like I'm completely spamming the wiki with updates lately, guys! I'm just going through and trying to overhaul everything and get it all up to date and accurate, and add a bunch of new pages we need. :) If there's anything you've noticed that needs fixing, or you have any ideas for the wiki, feel free to let me know!
Season 2
Good news there will be a seson 2 for Hart of Dixie...........
What plot would you like to see? Zoe will she end up with Wade or George???
Season Finale
Next episode is the first ever season finale of Hart of Dixie!! I'm so excited!
I like Zoe and George together, but I love Zoe and Wade(/i just really love Wade
Lemon and George's Wedding
I'm excited to see in The Big Day George and Lemon's wedding. I want to know if George really does go through with marrying Lemon.
I found this picture of George, Lemon, and Zoe, and Zoe's wearing a wedding dress! It might just be in George's dream or something before his wedding though (not sure if Hart of Dixie has ever had a dream in it) and he's wondering if he really should marry Lemon, or be with Zoe.
Anyway, I can't wait for the season 1 finale!!!
I like you, Zoe...and it kills me.
So is the quote "I like you, Zoe...and it kills me" that Wade says in this next upcoming episode? Because I took notice that he is wearing the same clothes as the sweetheart dance, but Zoe isn' is it in this episode or is he just wearing the same clothes in a further in the future episode? D: