Bluebell, Alabama's medical practice was co-owned by Dr. Harley Wilkes and Dr. Brick Breeland up until 2011, when Harley Wilkes passed away. However, Harley left his half of the practice to his daughter, Dr. Zoe Hart.
- Dr. Brick Breeland - doctor, the town's general practitioner for many years.
- Dr. Zoe Hart - a trained cardiovascular surgeon turned BlueBell's second doctor.
- AnnaBeth Nass- receptionist and nursing student
- Dr. Harley Wilkes - the former doctor and business partner of Brick Breeland, who gives Zoe Hart his half of the medical practice
- Emmeline Hattenbarger - former receptionist/secretary (Epsiodes 1-2)
- Didi Ruano - fomer receptionist (Episodes 3-4, seen after on Episodes 11, 13, and 15)
- Addie Pickett - a registered nurse and receptionist (Episodes 4-21)