Season One[]
In episode 2, Zoe and her neighbor Wade work on Mayor Lavon Hayes' float for Founder's Day Parade along with Zoe's friend Rose. (Parades & Pariahs)
Zoe is determined to win Bluebell, Alabama's gumbo contest and prove to everyone that she is a part of the community, which will hopefully help her land some patients. After failing to cheat her way to a win by having Emeril overnight her, his gumbo and trying to make it herself using Emeril's recipe, she gives up. She gets 2nd place in the contest, for gumbo that Wade secretly entered for her, allowing her to think Lavon did it. (Gumbo & Glory)
In episode 4, As Bluebell, Alabama is hit by an intense heat wave, it takes all of Zoe's strength to ignore her heat-induced attraction to Wade Kinsella until it gets the best of her.(In Havoc & In Heat)
In episode 18 of the first season,Zoe makes a romantic connection with one of her patients, Jesse and accepts his invitation to lunch, and later finds out he's the estranged brother of none other than Wade,much to his dismay. However, he tries to deny his feelings for Zoe, and tells his brother he's free to date her because they're both snobbish and superior and would be perfect together. Unfortunately, Zoe overheard this exchange and later confronted Wade, asking if this was what he really thought of her. Wade says yes to this, and continues to point out the three men who have caught her eye since her arrival in Bluebell - a veterinarian , a lawyer , and an eco-geologist oceanographer/army hero - all lucrative careers, and takes off in his truck, leaving behind a surprised and hurt Zoe, who then chooses to take a step back from the idea of dating Jesse, telling him "I can't always stay out of people's business, but when I can I probably should". (Bachelorettes & Bullets)
In episode 20, Wade wants to enter the annual Bluebell Battle competition so he can win the prize money to open his own bar. He apologizes to Zoe for calling her a snob and asks her to be his partner, which says no to. Zoe who overhears Lemon's plan to get George back during the competition, reconsiders Wade's partnership request- in the hopes of persuading George to choose her - unbeknownst to Wade of course. Wade begins to believe he has a chance with Zoe, cancels dinner plans with Tansy only to later find out Zoe's real motivation for doing the Battle. (The Race & The Relationship)
In Episode 22, Zoe and Wade find themselves stranded in a barn during a rainstorm. After saving a baby goat caught in barbwire, they agree that having sex might clear everything up. As they are about to kiss, they are interrupted by an officer who offers to drive them home. They have sex after they get dropped off during the rainstorm (The Big Day).
Season Two[]
In the season premiere of season two, Zoe has to choose between George, who cancelled his wedding for her, and Wade, her childish neighbor who she slept with when she thought George was getting married. After seeking advice from former Bluebell resident Ruby Jeffries,she tells George she doesn't want to be his rebound girl and begins a casual "friends with benefits" relationship with Wade. (I Fall To Pieces)
In episode 2 Zoe tries to avoid sleeping with Wade, but needs his help with finding someone to perform at Rose's Bluebell rock concert. She gets jealous when she finds out George is trying to have a one-night stand, per her instructions that he date other people. And also gets jealous when Wade plans a sleepover with Lily Anne Lonergan, the concert's headliner.
In episode 3 When Tom walks in the office with a strange rash, Zoe suspects it may be leprosy, and enlists Wade to help her capture an armadillo on Crazy Earl's property. After which Wade tells her that she isn't honest about what makes her happy. (If It Makes You Happy)
In episode 4 Zoe tries to keep things casual with Wade, but gets jealous when she sees him with another woman. She decides to go on a date with Ruby's cousin Zach to make Wade jealous; which doesn't work. She later asks Wade for a monogamous casual relationship. (Suspicious Minds)
In episode 5 Zoe cancels Halloween plans with Wade to help George with his sleepwalking problem. They talk and Zoe tells him he needs to move on and be with someone he has real feelings for, like she has. (Walkin' After Midnight)
During the 7th episode, Zoe treats the high school football team for athlete's foot, which leads to the kicker, Max developing a crush on her. While she didn't reciprocate his feelings, she appreciated his show of romance. Inspiring Wade to bake -horrible- cookies for her, in order to give her the romantic gestures she wants. (Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me)
In episode 8, Wade agrees to supervise a Little Ranger’s camping trip to avoid talking about him and Zoe with George. However, when George unexpectedly shows up on the trip, Wade has nowhere to hide. It turns out George already knows about Wade and Zoe; he's okay with it. Zoe's reaction to finding out George knows about them, makes him see his relationship in a different light. (Achy Breaky Hearts)
Episode 8 sees Zoe worrying that Wade has gotten bored with her. Only he wants to take her on a real date, a picnic. Zoe panics and brings a book thinking that they have nothing in common and won't have anything to talk about. This upsets Wade and the date ends badly. (Sparks Fly)
Season Three[]
Season Four[]
Wade and Zoe in the final episode end up happily married and Zoe gives birth to their first child.
Character Quotes[]
Wade Kinsella: "So, Doc, hear you're staying in town. You ever need a cup of sugar, anything, I'll be right next door."
Zoe Hart:: "If that line ever works for you, tell that poor girl to come to my office so I can dispense the penicillin."
Wade Kinsella: Oh hey there, Doc. Notice how whenever I come around there's always sparks?
Zoe Hart:: If you like that wait 'til you see my tazer.
Zoe Hart:: Yeah, that's me, with my girly Wi-Fi connection and my silly cell-phone that I only use to look at pictures of ponies. Well, apparently I have alienated most of the people in this town.
Wade Kinsella: More like all of 'em.
Wade Kinsella: Okay...I'm going to get a bucket of lake water, so when you catch on fire it doesn't spread my way.
Wade Kinsella: "Here, snakey-snakey-snakey. Ah, the old Hooper house. I used to bring my high school girlfriends here."
Zoe Hart:: "Please tell me they were still breathing at the time."
Wade Kinsella: "First rule of a snakebite, Doc- don't let the victim exert herself."
Zoe Hart:: "What's the second rule, apply pressure to side of boob?"
Wade Kinsella: Hey, listen, my Uncle Mo's got a pretty kickass gumbo recipe if you want my help, I'm-
Zoe Hart:: I do not need your help, Wade. Last time I had your help I also got this. [Holds up injured hand.]
Wade Kinsella: One thing I can bet those little shorts of yours on- the entire town's gon' think he's a hero by now.
Zoe Hart:: You know what? Screw George.
Wade Kinsella: George?
Wade Kinsella: Are you not telling the truth to protect George Tucker for some reason? 'Cause if you were, that'd be real stupid.
Zoe Hart:: For the four hundredth time, I do not need your advice, your help, or your Alabama lovin'.
Wade Kinsella: Did what?
Lavon Hayes: Well, you must've been cooking all night. Your Uncle Mo would be proud of you.
Wade Kinsella: I don't know what you been drinkin' Lavon. You're acting as crazy as all get-out.
Lavon Hayes: Uh-huh. I know what I know. You did Zoe a solid. Oh, you a good guy.
Wade Kinsella: I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Mayor, but uh, Zoe Hart, she doesn't need my help. You can just ask her yourself.
Wade Kinsella: "I told you you should fix that hole in your screen."
Zoe Hart:: "Yeah, and you told me that you would fix it."
Wade Kinsella: "Maybe. But you should be nicer to me. 'Cause when all those nice churchgoing people get whooshed up to Heaven in the Rapture, gonna be just me and you left to repopulate the Earth."
Zoe Hart:: "Since we're both up, you want to hang out? Have some tea or something?"
Wade Kinsella: "Oh. Yeah...yeah, I'll have some 'tea'."
Zoe Hart:: "Oh, no! Whoa, no. No no. Bad idea. I'm sleepy. Exhausted. Go away."
Wade Kinsella: "You are a certified crazy person, you know that? Now, historically I've found that hot, but in your case, I think I'm cured."
Tansy Kinsella: "But Wade, you deserve to be happy, too. Move on from Zoe Hart. A girl like that is never going to end up with someone like you. It's her loss, but it's the truth."
Wade Kinsella: "I don't know what you're talking about. Zoe Hart drives me crazy."
Tansy Kinsella: "Yeah, you used to drive me crazy, too."
Zoe Hart: "That is the single stupidest thing I've heard since I moved here. And I hear Wade talking to his dates every night on his front porch."
Wade Kinsella: "That was quite the clogg dance."
Zoe Hart: "She was amazing."
Wade Kinsella: "Well, you showed her how to be."
Shelley Ng: "There's only one reason a girl who hasn't had the company of a man for several months is suddenly euphoric."
Wade Kinsella: "No. Trust me, okay, it's not that cause I've been tryin' for months."
Shelley Ng: "Maybe someone else tried harder."
(Mistress & Misunderstandings)
AnnaBeth Nass: "Then what about door number 2, Wade Kinsella."
Zoe Hart: "I just don't think I could ever go there. He's just so....Wade."
AnnaBeth Nass: "Which equals delicious. If you don't go there you are crazypants."
(Mistress & Misunderstandings)
Wade Kinsella: [about Judson Lyons] "Zoe, the guy is Boresville, USA."
Judson Lyons: "You were more excited about your war with Wade tonight than you were about your night with me. That not tell you everything you need to know?"
Wade Kinsella: "I helped Lavon's parents get back together."
Zoe Hart: "Which they my bed."
Wade Kinsella: "I...I changed the sheets already."
Wade Kinsella: "No, I mean why are you with my brother?"
Jesse Kinsella: "Hi, Wade."
Zoe Hart:"Oh, you have got to be kidding me."
Wade Kinsella: Hey, uh, I need y'all's help.
Zoe Hart: Why would I help you? Why would I help anyone? I am a shallow snob, remember? Move out of my way.
Zoe Hart: You've been avoiding me ever since I decided to stay in town.
Wade Kinsella: That's because I hate you.
Wade Kinsella: "That's the thing- you and me, we were never friends."
(The Big Day')
Wade Kinsella: "I can see through your shirt when you do that."
Zoe Hart: "Shut up... oh! Does that help?"
Wade Kinsella: "No."
(The Big Day')
Zoe Hart: "We have nothing in common, we're always fighting...we're very different people..."
Earl Kinsella: "Paintin' your girlfriends house? That's sweet."
Wade Kinsella: (To Zoe) "He's a drunk! Okay?"
Earl Kinsella: "I may be a drunk but I'm not deaf. He talks. Blah blah blah Zoe. Blah blah blah Zoe. Blah blah blah Zoe. Zoe, Zoe, Zoe..."
Zoe Hart: "I know this guy, kind of an amateur expert on happiness, and according to him, playing video games like Halo, can increase your overall levels of happiness. It's scientific."
Wade Kinsella: "You know, I think I've heard similar things."
Zoe Hart: "Well, as a woman of science, I figure I should probably see if there's any truth to it."
Wade Kinsella: "Makes sense. As it turns out, I happen to have one of these happiness machines to play your so-called "video game." Want me to fire it up?"
Zoe Hart: "Well, if you want to."
Wade Kinsella: "You know, I've actually read new studies, that say that a strip version of the game makes people even happier."
Zoe Hart: "Really? Strip Halo? I don't know. Sounds pretty complicated."
Wade Kinsella: "Not really. I think you'd get the hang of it."
Zoe Hart: "Well, you are the expert so, I guess we have to try."
Wade Kinsella: "Right, 'cause, who doesn't want to be happy?" (If It Makes You Happy)
Zoe Hart: "Hey tonight, let's be strangers who meet on a train."
Wade Kinsella: "Train? Who travels by train anymore? What are we, hobos?"
Zoe Hart: "Yes Wade, we're hobos. Sexy hobos on a train, yeesh."
Zoe Hart: "Look, I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend or anything, but I was wondering if maybe you could do casual my way, which means being monogamous ... casually."
Wade Kinsella: "Yeah, I think I could do that."
Zoe Hart: "You know what monogamous means right? No hot blondes. No socks on the door."
Wade Kinsella: "Just to be clear, the blonde who was here last night, that was Missy from Ace Building Supply. She was dropping off the tile for your bathroom. And as for the Sock, well, I hung it up after I stepped in raccoon crap." (Suspicious Minds)
Zoe Hart: "People can conquer miles, or any sort of obstacle, if it's meant to be" (Walkin' After Midnight)
Breeland: (To Zoe) "What the heck are you wearing?...... Is that Wade's shirt?"
Zoe Hart: "Is it! Wade! I told you to do your own laundry, stop putting your clothes in with mine!"
Wade Kinsella: "Oh.... Man... I really hate... her." (I Walk the Line)
Zoe Hart: "I'm not saying I want romance, but I'm also not a Ford, I need something more than your key to start my engine." (Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me)
Zoe Hart: "You can use it to light your way back to your own bed tonight." (Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me)
Zoe Hart: "Oh my god. Wade is bored."
Ruby Jeffries:"Wade, bored of Zoeland. No way."
Zoe Hart: "It's true. He's already seen my light parade, spun my spinning teacups, ridden my space mountain, now he's going to move on to another amusement park." (Sparks Fly)
Wade Kinsella: I think we should go on a real date.
Zoe Hart: A real huh?
(Sparks Fly )
Zoe Hart: Why would somebody do that?
Wade Kinsella: I don't know. Why would somebody bring a book on a date?
(Sparks Fly )
Wade Kinsella And you brought a book because you didn't think we'd have anything to talk about!
Zoe Hart And I was totally wrong. We had ... um ... crackers.
(Sparks Fly )
Zoe Hart: You never told me any of that stuff about your family.
Wade Kinsella: You never asked.
Zoe Hart: It wasn't the way we were ... doesn't mean I didn't want to know.
Zoe Hart: I got scared, so I pushed him away. But I miss him.
Wade Kinsella: Doc.
Zoe Hart: I just wanted to apologize.
Wade Kinsella: For uh, which thing exactly?
Zoe Hart: For our date at the picnic. You really put yourself out there, and I was so scared that it wouldn't work, you know, that we would have nothing in common, I kind of sabotaged it. But the thing that I realized was, it turns out that, I like you, Wade Kinsella. I really like you. And, who knows, maybe there's a chance you and I could be happy together. But we'll never know unless we try.
Wade Kinsella: What are you ...what are you saying?
Zoe Hart: What I'm saying is that, would you maybe consider being my for real, out in public, everyone knows about actual boyfriend? [Pause] It's okay. You know what, you can think about it. Because I know I am a handful and neurotic and sometimes I am too bossy and I do that but - [Wade Kisses her]
Wade Kinsella: Come here. It's Christmas Eve doc, stranger things have happened on this night than a doctor and a bartender.
Season One[]
Hart of Dixie Relationships
| ||
Romantic Relationships | ||
Zoe and Wade | Zoe and George | George and Lemon | Lemon and Lavon | Lavon and Didi | Lavon and Ruby | Lavon and AnnaBeth |Zoe and New York Boyfriend | Zoe and Jesse | Zoe and Judson | Zoe and Jonah | Zoe and Joel | Wade and Tansy | Wade and Vivian | Magnolia and Frederick Dean | Rose and Frederick Dean | Wanda and Tom | Brick and Alice | Candice and Ethan | Harley and Candice | Tansy and George | Zoe, George and Wade | ||
Female Relationships | ||
Zoe and Lemon | Zoe and Rose | Lemon and Magnolia | Magnolia and Rose | Zoe and Candice | Lemon and Alice | Tansy and Zoe | AnnaBeth and Lemon | Zoe and AnnaBeth | ||
Male Relationships | ||
Wade and Lavon | Wade and George | Lavon and George | George and Harold | Wade and Crazy Earl | Wade and Jesse | Wade, Jesse, and Crazy Earl | Brick and George | | ||
Others | ||
Zoe and Brick | Zoe and Tom | Zoe and Lavon | Zoe and Ethan Hart | Lemon and Wade | Lemon and Brick | Brick and Magnolia | George and Magnolia | Lavon and Tansy | |